Meet my lil' prince, Ahmad Zaim Safwan.
He was born on June 13, 2007 at Serdang Hospital almost 3 o'clock in the morning. Weighing 3.6kg at birth (berat tak?), he was really a handsome baby that melted the hearts of the nurses there. Chubby faced (like me), fair (like me, again), shiny black hair (like me, duhh!!), sexy lips (angelina jolie?) and cute sepet eyes (hah those are from the daddy haha).
I remember how happy my parents and my parents in law were when they came and visited me at the hospital. Papa got a new bestfriend (y not..all this while he was waiting for a baby boy in our family). Mama couldn't get her hands off from Zaim - she loves him soooo much! My dad in law all smiling. And my mom in law couldn't stop describing how 'buruk' he was. There were sayings that you should not say how CUTE the baby is (kire pantang laa). If not bad things would happened. So if you are to visit a newborn baby, say the opposite ones kay.
Now he's a healthy 1 year old baby. Walking, inspecting and 'helping out' are some of his hobbies. Cheeky to anyone, always greet everyone with a smile or at least he'll smirk. He loves books, Bob the Builder or any 3D cartoons played on PHDC, eating whatever he can and not to forget plush toys (we named them Lucy, Mr Alex, Bear and Elliott haha).
Can't wait to see him grow up but I don't want him to grow up too fast. Love love love him much!
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